Friday, October 3, 2014

Self - Regulation

I always get the "What type of classroom management do you use?" Then when I respond with Self-Regulation, they look at me puzzled. What is that? Really in a Kindergarten class? My response is YES! I come from the psychology world and my view on relationships and classroom management are 180 degrees different from what teacher prep programs teach.

I'm not going to give you a psychological definition of self-regulation. I define it as figuring out what will make you successful in whatever you are doing. Can you teach kids this? ABSOLUTELY! For example, if a student takes away the scissors from another student and that student gets upset. 

Life lesson #1, your actions effect others. 

Life Lesson #2, you chose your actions and responses to those actions.

Life Lesson #3, sometimes you have to say you're sorry.

Life Lesson #4, you do not always get your way. We all live in this world together and have to get along!

The list of life lessons goes on and on. Self-Regulation is also about coping skills, choosing how we respond to others and take care of ourselves. I always had a desk in the back of the classroom and students could go back there one at a time to chill, get away from others. They would use this as needed to help them make positive choices. It was NOT a punishment. As adults, we all need to get away sometimes and this was an "escape" for students. It was funny to watch them, because a student would go back there for 5-10 minutes and then rejoin the class when they were ready to go. I figure we all have those "bad" days and if 5 minutes away can help them focus for the other 7 hours of school....I'm all for that!

By allowing students to regulate their own behaviors, we need to move away from the "I'm the teacher and I'm in 100% control" mindset. First, control is an illusion. Second, how do you work collaboratively if one person is trying to control the entire group?

Self-Regulation is a 21st century life skill and ultimately, isn't that what we are trying to prepare our students for??? When students self regulate, we create a space for where students are empowered and can help facilitate their own learning process.

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