Friday, September 30, 2016

@IMMOOC - Innnovation

I have always viewed innovation as trying something new and different. I grew up with parents who encouraged trying new things and finding new ways to accomplish a task. When I compare my career as a psychotherapist to an educator, I struggle with innovation in education. The field of psychology is constantly reading, researching and trying interventions to fit the perspective of clients. Juxtapose, education where it seems we teach to 1985. In my current state, the view is, if it fails, never try anything ever again. Failure is a change to regroup, rebuild and try again!

I like the definition of innovation being something new and better. Innovation in education is not just technology tools, but changing our we teach and how we learn. Moving towards innovation requires having relationships, being connected and listening to the needs of others. Innovation cannot happen in a vacuum, it happens in community.

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