Thursday, January 12, 2017

SMART Notebook 16

SMART came out with SMART Notebook 16.1 this past summer. It has many great features. Below is a highlight of two of my favorite SMART Notebook 16.1 features.

SMART has updated a few of their old flash based widgets to HTML 5. Your favorite widgets including the timer, clock and dice are still available!

To access your widgets go to your gallery, then search for widgets and they will pop up. Then you can select the one you are looking to use. 

The top hat icon has been replaced with a tiny monster icon. To access SMART Labs, just click on that icon. Creating an activity takes a few minutes. Labs can be customized and are very engaging for students. 

As you are using SMART Notebook 16.1 to create fun, engaging and meaningful learning activities for your students, don't forget to visit SMART Exchange for your pre-made resources!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 Goals

As we begin 2017, it's like a fresh start. We have the opportunity to choose what we want 2017 to look like. In my professional life, I have several goals. 

1. I want to read more.
Last year I set a goal to read 25 books in the year. This year I will not be setting a number goal. I want to read for enjoyment and I want to read interesting books relating to education. The first book I'm reading is 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller.

2. I want a better work-life balance.
I tend to be really good at work or really good at home. I want to make a conscious decision every day to work hard and to enjoy my personal life. 

3. I want to be more intentional with networking.
I would like to dedicate my lunch hour to networking. I am really good at meeting people but I am often lackluster at following up. My goal is to follow up and build authentic relationships. Even if I only do this one time per week, that's 52 chances to build connections!

What are your goals for 2017?