Friday, October 19, 2018

A Must Read Book for 2018

In August I started a book, The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups and it was ah-mazing! 

The beginning of the book starts with a story of why some groups outperform others. The story talks about different groups from kindergarteners to CEOs to business school students who were assigned the marshmallow tower challenge. The story shows how kindergarteners outperformed business school students and CEOs, not because they were smarter but because they worked together in a smarter way. WOW!

The book goes on to discuss skills teams need to be successful.

#1 - Safety
An environment where one feels safe and can act naturally is conducive to group work.

#2 - Vulnerability
Vulnerability does not only increase trust, but it shows acceptance. By admitting when you make a mistake, allows others to feel okay even after making a mistake.

#3 - Purpose
Creating purpose through a shared goal and shared direction helps the team be more successful.

The author has stories and psychological experiments he discusses throughout the book to further examine the 3 skills. This is just a short summary of the book, however, if you want to create and maintain a positive culture, this is a must-read.

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