Sunday, September 23, 2018

Trying Something New Is Always A Risk

Trying something new is always a little scary. Yesterday I decided I wanted to create a paperless vocabulary lesson for today. I reviewed the graphic organizer provided by our curricular resources and then adapted it to Google Drawings. Then I inserted text boxes where I wanted students to respond. Finally, I created an assignment in Google Classroom and added the Google Drawing so each student would get their own copy. 

I began the lesson by stating this might not go as planned, but let's be flexible. My students are awesome and willing to try just about anything!

We opened up our story on our Chromebooks, read the passage and then identified multiple-meaning words. Next, the students opened their copy of the Google Drawings graphic organizer and started completing it. It worked like a charm! Success!!!

My students worked on their vocabulary words, used the online Webster Dictionary and talked with their table partners to complete the assignment.

I will definitely do this again.

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